Section 2: It is a business

It is a business

When you become involved in network marketing it is important that you understand that it is a business, a point reiterated throughout this book. Many people in network marketing never quite grasp the correlation between owning a network marketing business and owning a traditional business. Even though the way each goes about doing business can be vastly different, the basic principle that network marketing is a business never changes. To build any successful business requires an understanding of a number of basic principles followed up with commitment and good business practices. In this section we look at some topics that will set the foundations for you to go on and build a successful network marketing business.

#9 Treat it like a business, not a hobby
#10 Make a commitment and your chances of success will increase
#11 Understanding the universal laws of business
#12 Network marketing is a numbers game
#13 You may not like everything about your business
#14 It’s not always convenient
#15 Manage your time, and profitability will come to you
#16 Having your door open for business
#17 Set up a separate bank account
#18 Manage your money wisely

#9 Treat it like a business, not a hobby

An important aspect of this book is helping you understand that the elements of building and operating your network marketing business are no different to those of building and operating a traditional business. Most importantly, we aim to help you understand and reinforce that you are in a very real business, not just a hobby. With this in mind, it is important that you treat your network marketing business as it deserves to be treated. A large number of people who undertake network marketing treat it like a bit of a hobby or something to dabble in, which is okay if you only want hobby results. Those who get involved for the bigger picture will be disappointed and frustrated if they don’t approach it in a committed way or give it the respect it needs. If you have become involved in network marketing in order to build a profitable business, then the first step towards achieving results is to make a conscious decision to treat your new enterprise as a real business—right from day one. Not having a shopfront or a factory or a big office takes away nothing from the business itself, and in fact is really smart, as overheads of that kind are what kill many businesses. Your business has the potential to have a multimillion dollar turnover if that is what you wish, but that won’t happen if you operate it with a hobby attitude. We talk about setting goals and dreams later in the book, where we make the point that you can build your network marketing business to give you exactly what it is you want out of life. Treat it as an opportunity that can be as big or as small as you want—but regardless of the size, treat it as a business and you will be well on the way to achieving your desired goals.

#10 Make a commitment and your chances of success will increase

If you had just started your own traditional business it would be fair to assume that you would be devoting to it a considerable level of commitment, financially, physically and mentally. Understanding that your network marketing business is just that, a business, be sure that you devote the same level of commitment to it—not just to the network marketing company you are affiliated with or to the person who introduced you, although both are important, but to yourself and your business. Far too often we see people who get involved in network marketing making the mistake of short-changing themselves when it comes to their level of commitment. The result is a sense of frustration that the business does not seem to be working, or is not working quickly enough, illustrated by the story of John and Jessica, who got involved in network marketing and were keen to get the job done as quickly as possible so that they could give up their jobs. Unfortunately, not long after they got started it became apparent that their commitment did not back up their goal. Soon John and Jessica began to make excuses about not being able to do the things that were suggested to them. They didn’t attend business meetings and seminars, avoided the purchase of support tools and personal development materials, and weren’t actively working their business consistently enough to achieve the desired result. Needless to say, this lack of commitment was reflected in the lack of success of their business, and their goal of giving up work as quickly as possible had to be put off. Your business will require a certain amount of commitment from you in areas like time, effort and finance. Although these commitments are minimal compared to the requirements of a traditional business, they are there nonetheless. By making a commitment, you minimise dithering: ‘Will I do this, will I do that, will I attend that meeting, that seminar, do I really want to go out tonight, can I afford this, can I afford that?’ By making a commitment you have already answered the question and so you just do it.

#11 Understanding the universal laws of business

If you are new to network marketing, have never been in business before, and you are finding some aspects challenging, ask yourself: ‘Would this be any different if I were building a traditional business?’ The answer, in most cases, will be ‘no’. In the operation of a business there are a number of universal laws that apply to most enterprises. Whether a business is large or small, some aspects never change—for example, cashflow, communication, establishing systems, marketing, time management, etc. Network marketing is a business, and some of these universal laws will apply simply because you are in business. One of the challenges often faced by those new to network marketing, especially those who have never been involved in their own business before, is the mistaken belief that these issues are unique to network marketing when they are first confronted with them. But if for this reason they choose to discontinue the business and move on to something else, they will find that the same issues still apply. There was the case of Matthew, who had worked for someone else all his life but had always wanted a business of his own. On becoming aware of a network marketing opportunity he saw it as his chance, and decided to get involved. Soon he was confronted with some of the realities of running a business. Because Matthew had never been in business before, he thought that some of the challenges he was facing were specific to his network marketing business and soon bailed out, commenting that ‘network marketing does not work because it’s just too hard’. Some time later, Matthew started a traditional business, where he was soon confronted with the same challenges. Unfortunately, he found those challenges also ‘too hard’, and this business failed too. To help you better understand business generally, buy some books, do some small business courses, and mix with other business people, not just network marketing people. The more you can learn about business in general, the greater your chances of success in your network marketing business.

#12 Network marketing is a numbers game

The dream of all businesses is to have as many customers as possible buying their products or services, ideally 100 per cent of the total market. The reality is that all business owners recognise that they will only attract a certain amount of the market, or market share. In fact, larger organisations understand this principle so well that a large portion of their business planning is based around calculating how the numbers stack up. Based on experience and extensive research, most successful businesses know the percentages when it comes to market acceptance and market share. Whether it is a sole-trader bricklayer submitting a quote on a small retaining wall, or a multi-national engineering company submitting a tender on a major project, both understand that they are not going to win all quotes or tenders submitted. They realise it’s a numbers game and that if they persist and keep submitting, they will win enough to be profitable. Interestingly enough, the percentage conversion rate actually tells you a lot more. If you win every job you quote for, you are probably too cheap. If you get none, you are probably too expensive. The aim is to figure out what your conversion rate actually is. If you win five out of ten quotes and you want to build your business, submit more quotes. Simple as that. As you build your network marketing business, for you the numbers game will mean finding those in the marketplace who may want to be involved and join your team, or those who wish to buy product from you. There will be those who do and those who don’t. You can be sure of one thing, though— there will always be those that do. It simply means you have to persist, going through those that don’t, to find the ones who do. The bottom line is that doing business is a numbers game, and the more you work the numbers the better chance you have of winning the game. Your network marketing business is no different—not that you treat people like numbers, but if you can understand right from the word go that not everyone is going to want what you have to offer, even though you may think they should, this will make your journey so much easier. If you work the numbers, the numbers will work for you.

#13 You may not like everything about your business

As exciting as the opportunity is, the reality is that you may not like everything about your business or some of the things you are required to do to make it work. In a perfect world this wouldn’t be the case, but we need to remember that there are probably things we don’t like doing in our current traditional business or job—but we continue to do them because we understand that they are the price we pay to achieve the end result. There is an interesting phenomenon which we call ‘business envy’. It’s that ‘thing’ which makes everyone else’s business look so much better than our own. They look easier to run and far more profitable, cause fewer headaches, attract heaps of customers, and so on. In reality, we have yet to come across any business that is easy. Business envy needs to be kept well and truly in check. There will be times when certain aspects of building your business will challenge you and put you outside your comfort zone. There will be things you simply do not like doing, find uncomfortable or don’t agree with. It is vitally important that as you build your network marketing business you recognise this fact: ‘Yes, there are certain things that I don’t like doing and find challenging—but this is no different to the dislikes and challenges I found in what I was doing prior to my involvement in network marketing. But the price to pay for the end result is insignificant compared to the price I had to pay previously.’ We recommend that when you are feeling flat about your business you take the time to write down the positive aspects that really do make it feel worthwhile—the flexibility, the freedom, the creativity and the satisfaction gained from getting results. Focus on these positives and the negatives will soon seem less overwhelming.

#14 It’s not always convenient

For most people getting started in network marketing, it provides the opportunity to develop a business part-time alongside their current work commitments. While this has its advantages, it also means fitting in something else around what could already be a very busy schedule. Getting started is not always going to be convenient and it may mean sacrificing some things in the short term. Things like a bit of TV, some of your social life or some of your time with the family may have to be replaced with time building your business. It is important to remember that these sacrifices are only shortterm, and your reward will be to enjoy them full-time once your business is established. There will be times when you don’t feel like going to another meeting or attending a seminar or delivering product to a customer. The average person will justify this as ‘not being convenient’ and so will not do what needs to be done. At times like this you will need to remind yourself that failure is not convenient, that ‘to do what others will not do leads to achieving what others will never achieve’. That said, we strongly recommend that you enjoy the journey. Sure, sacrifices will be required to get your business off the ground, but take the time to enjoy the process, the thrill, the nerves, the anticipation and the satisfaction as the results start to show. This enjoyment will fuel you to overcome those feelings of flatness that everyone experiences from time to time. Ask any writer what gets them through the countless hours stuck behind a keyboard on a beautiful day when just about anything else has more appeal than typing another several thousand words; they will always say that seeing their book on a bookshop shelf makes it all totally worthwhile.

#15 Manage your time, and profitability will come to you

Because building a network marketing business is usually done part-time alongside what is more than likely an already busy schedule of work and family commitments, it is important to practise good time management. This, of course, will be easier for people who are well-organised by nature than for those who struggle to remember just which day it is. Whatever your style, one thing is certain—to make a success of your network marketing business you will have to be organised and manage your time as effectively as possible. We all have 168 hours in a week. Why do some people seem to achieve so much more in their 168 hours than others? Usually it is because they maximise their time by managing it better. Fortunately, good time management is not a difficult thing to achieve. For the most part it is driven by being organised and working from a diary. If you don’t have a diary or have never worked from one, now is the time to start. There are many great books available on time management to assist those who struggle in this area; for example, Time Management from the Inside Out by Julie Morgenstern and The One Minute Manager by Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson. If you are not the most organised person, we highly recommend that you learn more about time management. If you are not into books, there are some great websites that offer online training courses in time management, for example, and Or you might find that friends or business associates are willing to share their secrets and tips on how they manage to get so much done in a day. Time management is a skill that comes naturally to some but not to all. If your skills are lacking, do something about it.

#16 Having your door open for business

If you were establishing a traditional business and opened your doors to customers only a couple of days a week or your hours were inconsistent, how successful would you expect that business to be? Having your doors open for business is presenting your business to others or selling some product, yet many people go about their network marketing business doing very little of either and then question why it isn’t working for them. People who spend a lot of time thinking about the business or attending a lot of support training and seminars are often under the misapprehension that they are busy building the business, but in reality they are not keeping their doors open long enough to make their business work. Here is a perfect real-life example of this attitude. David and Di, who were building a network marketing business, were meeting with Ian, their up-line coach, frustrated by their lack of results to date. They told Ian how excited they were about the opportunity and how they thought about it constantly, how they were reading and listening to as much support andmotivational material as they could get their hands on, and were attending all the business meetings, seminars and functions that were being promoted to them. With all of this going on, in their minds they were busy building their business. But when Ian worked back through David and Di’s diary over the last couple of months, they realised that the time they’d spent actually presenting the opportunity to others (building the business) was minimal, that the poor growth of their business was in direct relation to how often they’d had their doors open for business over that time. Once David and Di recognised the imbalance and addressed it, their business took off. Taking time to think about and prepare plans for your business is important, and attending training and seminars is also a key ingredient, but if you want your business to grow quickly, do a regular reality check of your time to ensure that these elements are being equally matched by ‘having your doors open for business’. You need to put out your ‘NOW OPEN’ sign every day to get customers walking in that door.

#17 Set up a separate bank account

It is important to set up a separate bank account to operate your network marketing business. If you were running a traditional business you would not attempt to operate the banking for it out of your personal account; the same applies here. Even though in the early days it may seem your business is not big enough to warrant a separate bank account, you are laying the foundations of good business practice by starting off with a separate account straightaway. Further to this, there will be expenses as you begin to build your business, many of them tax deductible. The costs associated with such expenses are far easier to monitor if the transactions are on a separate account. It can be difficult trying to identify them when they are mixed into your personal account. All your network marketing expenses should be paid out of your business account, and any income derived should also be paid directly into that account. Don’t make the mistake of paying any income from your network marketing business directly into your personal account while paying for expenses out of the business account, especially in the early days, otherwise it will seem that you are always spending money and never making any. Operating a separate account also allows for simpler accounting, which leads to easier assessment of income and expenses and the submitting of tax returns. Another excellent reason for opening a separate bank account is simply that there is nothing quite as motivational as watching that account start to grow. As the balance increases, so does your energy and conviction. If the money coming in is somehow lost in the cracks there is little motivation to keep working on it. We play funny games in our minds, and a simple trick like this can have more impact than just about anything else.

#18 Manage your money wisely

When operating any business it is critical to have in place some good accounting practices and a basic knowledge of bookkeeping. You don’t need to rush off and get a degree in accounting—that’s what your accountant is for—but it is important that you respect the need to keep good records and be organised. In the beginning you may feel there is no real need to pay too much attention to this area, but remember, you are laying the foundations for a much larger business. More importantly, you are building a network of people who will look to you as an example and who will seek out advice on how to best build their businesses. If you do things correctly from the beginning, you will not have to go back and clean up the mess later. It is often said in business that ‘you can’t manage if you can’t measure’. Practising good accounting will allow you to better measure where your business is financially and thus allow you to better manage it. Additionally, the way you structure your business while building it can have an effect on its profitability; good accounting practices will allow you to identify problems a lot more quickly and act to solve them. If you have never been in business before, make an appointment with an accountant and get some advice on how to best set up your record keeping and books in general. Be aware that not all accountants will understand network marketing or be that positive towards it, largely because they’ve seen other clients not making a success of it. If you are serious about your long-term network marketing career, you may want to sound out your accountant on their knowledge and support. If you feel he or she is lacking in these areas you might want to consider changing to one who is knowledgeable in the field, and supportive. Where a network marketing business is a supplementary source of income, and being run from home, there may be some considerable tax advantages and benefits, and possibly some pitfalls, that you need to be aware of. Getting the right advice will prove invaluable to maximise opportunity and to reduce risk. Likewise, when you are starting to generate an income stream that is growing into a healthy monthly figure, you might want to consider how to best use this money. Some people use it as their annual holiday money, ensuring that they have a great overseas trip every year; others use it to fund a deposit on a new investment property every year. Then, of course, there are some who simply blow it, never taking full advantage of what the extra income could do for them and their future. What you do with the money you make from your network marketing business is entirely up to you, but we would recommend that you have some plans in place and ideally visit a good financial planner who can give you some professional advice along the way.
