Choosing your network marketing business
When contemplating entering any business it is
important to do your homework, to determine the viability of that business and
whether it is the right one for you. This first section covers a number of
topics that you should consider as part of your decision-making process before
becoming involved in network marketing. The message that shines through is that
you can never do too much homework on any company that you are looking to work
with. The more comfortable you feel with the company, the more commitment you
will have and the more successful your business will be. If you are already
involved, this section will also be valuable in reaffirming your decision or
highlighting something that you had not taken into consideration previously.
#1 Finding the right network marketing business for you
#2 The good, the bad and the downright ugly
#3 Networking versus pyramid schemes
#4 Take your time and do your homework
#5 Always get your information from a credible source
#6 Anyone can succeed in network marketing
#7 Many fail, but many succeed in a big way
#8 There will always be hurdles to overcome
#1 Finding the right network marketing
business for you:
For the majority of people, their introduction to
network marketing has been through an invitation by someone already involved in
a particular company, and therefore their only decision has been whether or not
to get involved, rather than which company to get involved with. Today though,
due to the growing positive exposure that network marketing is getting around
the world, people are initiating contact through their own interest and desire
to know more, and seeking out companies they would like to be affiliated with.
Network marketing and its acceptance is growing, with an increasing number of
network marketing companies operating globally. Their business models,
structures, cultures, products and remuneration can vary considerably; it is
important to understand this variation rather than thinking of them as all the
same. For instance, you may have a background in the health industry or take a
keen interest in your own health and wellbeing. A network marketing company
that specialises in health or has a large product category in this industry may
be best suited to you. It may be that your passion is for the beauty industry;
again, a company that either specialises in or carries beauty products will be
where you can take your passion and make a business of your own. For some it
may be professional or specialised services, for others a company that offers a
large crosssection of products and services. Other considerations could bethat
some network marketing companies suit your time availability better or that
another’s remuneration structure best suits your goals and dreams. It may be
that you are looking for the security of a more established company, or the
ground-floor opportunities that newly established companies provide. Whatever
the reason, with so much choice, it is important that you do your homework and
find the company that’s right for you.
#2 The good, the bad and the downright
In all industries there are the good companies and not
so good companies, the reputable and not so reputable, the ethical and not so
ethical. This applies equally to network marketing organisations, although, as
we discussed in the introduction, the industry has come a long way in recent
years, and corporate compliance regulations in most countries require and
enforce the highest of ethics and standards. Most of today’s network marketing
companies sell quality products—if they didn’t, they simply would not be able
to remain in business. What is really important is to make sure the company is
credible. Due to the growing acceptance of network marketing, more and more
network marketing companies are being established. The majority are legitimate
but some others, recognising the trend, try to disguise themselves as a network
marketing system when in fact they may be a pyramid scheme; still others are
planning to be in the market for only a short time, make their money from the
unsuspecting, and then disappear. Remembering that the aim of building a
successful network marketing business is to establish a long-term passive
income, it is very important that you feel the company you are joining is going
to be around for the long term. Even though the ‘ground-floor opportunity’
promoted by a newly established company is often attractive, much can be said
for the company that has been around for a long time. Longevity within the
network marketing industry is a sign of stability, credibility, a sound business
model, proven systems and, most importantly, a commitment to the independent
business owner’s long-term profitability. This is certainly not to suggest that
newly formed network marketing companies are not legitimate, but to point out
that those companies that have been established over the longterm have the
advantage of offering a sense of security and confidence to those thinking of
affiliating with them, as compared to a new company with an unproven record. So
satisfy yourself; do your own research. Talk to other people who are involved,
ring the head office or ideally visit it. Buy some of the products to satisfy
yourself that they are high quality; in general, do whatever you can to be
certain that this is an organisation you would like to be associated with.
Don’t believe everything you read, especially when it is online. Don’t be
pressured into joining any organisation. If you have any nagging doubts, listen
to the little voice inside you. It will soon become fairly clear which network
marketing businesses really are credible and can back up their offers and
claims, and which ones to steer clear of—but in the end, it is entirely up to
you and to your own due diligence and research.
#3 Networking versus pyramid schemes:
For the uninitiated there is a risk of unwittingly
getting involved in a pyramid scheme, thinking it is network marketing.
Unfortunately, because of the growth within the network marketing industry
there will always be pyramid schemers around who will go out of their way to
disguise themselves as a network marketing company. Due to a crackdown in
recent times, these schemers are not as active as they once were, and the risk
to the unsuspecting has been minimised. There are many government organisations
and watchdogs that can offer advice on pyramid schemes; a simple online search
will give you the right organisation to contact in your country or state.
Please take the time to do this. Pyramid schemes are often extremely convincing
and attractive, but they are unethical and illegal. Generally the person at the
top of the pyramid makes a pile of money and the people at the bottom lose most
of theirs. Pyramid schemers often target people they know who are in network
marketing businesses simply because they already have a network they are
selling to. Plus they are generally open-minded and they are motivated to get
results. If an opportunity looks too good to be true, it probably is. Network
marketing businesses can make you a lot of money, but getting there takes time,
energy and conviction. They are not an overnight path to fabulous fame and
fortune, which is generally how pyramid schemes are sold to the unsuspecting
#4 Take your time and do your homework:
When deciding whether to get involved in network
marketing, or which company to be involved with, be sure that you give yourself
enough time to make an informed decision. Be careful neither to make an
off-the-cuff decision and jump straight in, nor to dismiss the opportunity
without checking it out. Whether it takes you a week, a month or a year, take
the time to properly research the opportunity. A word of warning, though: be
careful that you are not simply procrastinating on getting started due to a
fear of the unknown or because you are being influenced by the opinions of
others. It is important that you feel comfortable with your decision; don’t be
railroaded by someone ‘selling you on the idea’. People who are railroaded
rarely go on to build a successful business. A key to building any successful
business is to be excited and passionate about what you do. With so many
different network marketing companies now providing a vastarray of different
products and services, it is important that you find the one that is right for
you, the one that you are excited about. When you are doing your homework, take
the same approach that you’d use if you were looking to start a traditional
business. If you are looking to make a start in network marketing, use the
following series of questions as a framework or reference point which you can
come back to. Note down what you like about the opportunity being offered, and
what you find challenging, and compare the results to assist you in your
decision-making process. If you are already involved in the industry, still
note down what you like and what you find challenging about what you are doing,
and discuss your pointers with your support team.
#5 Always get your information from a
credible source:
Far too often someone looking at a network marketing
opportunity will seek the advice of people who are simply not qualified to give
it. Nearly everyone has some opinion or other on network marketing, but when
you challenge them, you will find that a large majority have no real knowledge
of the industry or how it works. You must be very careful when researching your
involvement and looking for more information that you seek it from someone who
is qualified to provide it. The person who best fits this criteria is someone
who has been successful in the industry. When seeking information, ask
yourself: Is this person qualified to be offering this information? Have they
been successful in network marketing? Have they been successful in any of their
endeavours? Are they entrepreneurial? Are they financially independent? Or are
they struggling financially and going through life on a treadmill? Some people
will say that information or advice from someone who has been successful in
network marketing must inevitably be biased. Others, the smart ones, will see
it as commonsense. If you wanted to really lose weight, is it best to get
advice on how to do that from someone who has tried and failed, or from someone
who has been successful? If you wanted to establish a successful traditional
business, would you seek the advice of someone who has failed, or someone who
has been successful? A word of warning on researching via the Internet. While
the Internet is a great tool for accessing information, be aware that it also
provides a platform for anyone to put unqualified information and negative
comments on any subject, including network marketing. If you are using the
Internet for research, do not let yourself be influenced by such comments
without first being sure of the credibility of the source. The Internet can provide
you with lots of valuable information, but at the same time it contains just as
much valueless nonsense. You need to be sure that you can determine which is
which. In the end, you need to be certain that the decisions you make are not
governed by information and advice given by unqualified people.
#6 Anyone can succeed in network marketing:
Two common questions are ‘Can I do it?’ and ‘Am I the
right type of person?’; the answers are ‘Yes, you can’ and ‘Yes, you are’. That
said, the journey in building a network marketing business is different for each
person. Some already come with certain skills, experience and confidence that
will make it easier for them, while others come with little in the way of
skills, experience and confidence, which may create some challenges. What’s
important to understand is that both types of person can be successful, even
though the journey and the time it takes will vary. Take, for example, the
story of two totally different couples who started in the same network
marketing company. Anna and Adrian had professional backgrounds; both were
well-educated and very successful in their chosen fields. They were
well-respected, had a good network of family and friends and had credibility.
Bob and Becca were from a lower socioeconomic background. They had only basic
education and had struggled financially most of their lives. They had only a
small network of family and friends and lacked credibility. The two couples
started their network marketing businesses around the same time. Each had their
own reasons for getting involved. Each had dreams they wanted to achieve that
their current situation could not deliver to them. Even though their
backgrounds were vastly different, there were two things that made them
equal—both had a dream, and both had a desire to learn whatever was needed to
make a success of their business and achieve that dream. Anna and Adrian’s
business grew quickly because the couple already had an awareness of success
principles and the added advantage of credibility when talking to others about
the opportunity. Bob and Becca’s start was a lot slower due to not having been
exposed to success principles before and their significant lack of credibility
in the eyes of those they talked with. Nonetheless, both couples went on to
build very successful businesses, the only difference being the time each took
to achieve that success. Both couples have now been successfully running their
network marketing businesses for a number of years and both have gone on to
achieve the dreams that they aspired to. Do you think that Bob and Becca really
believe it matters that it took them longer than Anna and Adrian? Maybe it did
at the time, but now, after so many years of the lifestyle they enjoy, the time
it took to get the job done has paled into insignificance. Network marketing provides
a great level playing field. Those involved may be tradespeople or
professionals, educated or uneducated, shy or outgoing, but in the industry
everyone is equal and everyone can succeed. What is most important is to
understand that everything required to make a success of your network marketing
business can be learnt, but the desire to learn is essential if you want your
business to grow quickly.
#7 Many fail, but many succeed in a big
If you’ve never met anyone who has been in network
marketing and failed, you simply need to get out more. There are countless
numbers of people who have failed at network marketing, just as there are
countless numbers of people who have failed at weight loss, a fitness program,
learning a new musical instrument, learning a new language, finishing
university or, more to the point, traditional business. Does this mean that no
one can ever lose weight, get fit, learn to play a musical instrument, speak
another language, get a university degree or have a successful business? Of
course not. The reality is that there will always be a percentage of failures
in most endeavours but, as long as there is a percentage of success, it is
proof that you too can succeed. The level of success and the time taken to
achieve it varies from individual to individual, but if you have the drive, the
motivation, the stickability and, most importantly, the dream, you can make it
work. So when it comes to choosing your network marketing business, once again
we come to the key point of this section— make an informed decision based on
all of the information at hand. Find out about the success stories, but also
find out about the failures—and why they failed. Collect a complete and
accurate view on the business opportunity to make sure it fits with you and
where you are in your life.
#8 There will always be hurdles to
Network marketing provides a great business
opportunity, but like all businesses it has its challenges and pitfalls. The
scope of these, and their impact, will vary for each person, with some finding
certain areas easier than others. Compared to some of the challenges and
pitfalls faced every day by traditional business owners, those faced in network
marketing pale into insignificance, but they are there, and it is important that
you are aware of them. In particular, it is crucial that you are aware of the
ones that relate to you so you can address or avoid them. Some of the
challenges and pitfalls you may face include:
stepping out of your comfort zone • negativity from
friends and family • people letting you down • having to do extra work on top
of what you are already doing • not always achieving your goals • giving up
some leisure time in the short term • extra strain on your finances in the
short term • frustration that it’s not working for you as quickly as you would
Everyone who’s gone on to build a successful network
marketing business has had their own challenges to overcome and experienced
some pitfalls along the way, but all of them have backed that up with hard work,
commitment, persistence and a never-give-up attitude, something also required
if you are to be successful in traditional business. For most, the road has not
always been easy, but the trip has certainly been worth it. They will all tell
you, ‘Although it has been challenging at times, compared to what we were doing
before network marketing, it has been easy.’
Don’t fall for any razzle-dazzle. It takes time,
energy and money to build any business. Go into it with this knowledge very
clear in your mind.
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