Introduction on:
ways to build a successful network
marketing business
In simple terms, network marketing is a network of
people who have access to a range of products and services that are distributed
through that network. Rather than operating via a shopfront, people can buy
these products and services for personal use or to sell to others. Further to
this, people can assist in expanding the network by inviting others to join the
network, thus extending the concept to their sphere. Over time, and with more
people introduced, the volume of products and services being distributed
increases. Along the way, a portion of the profits on those products and
services are paid to you and people in your ‘down-line’ (we’ll explain some of
this terminology later). In time, the opportunity to create a regular income
from a team of people using and selling products becomes a reality. Over the
years, network marketing has attracted some less than favourable perceptions.
The industry’s image was tarnished in its early days of development, when there
were no systems in place to educate those involved to go about their business
in an ethical and professional manner.
Additionally, there were many disreputable companies around who took the attitude of selling products at any cost, to anyone, with no long-term strategy; there were also some illegal pyramid schemes that entered the market disguised as network marketing companies.
Additionally, there were many disreputable companies around who took the attitude of selling products at any cost, to anyone, with no long-term strategy; there were also some illegal pyramid schemes that entered the market disguised as network marketing companies.
Today there are well over 20 million people around the
globe involved in network marketing, also known as multi-level marketing (MLM)
or direct selling, and this figure is growing. Manufacturers, many of them
Fortune 500 companies, now see it as a viable and credible alternative for
distributing their products and services. Reaching consumers directly through
traditional retailing methods and/or outlets is not only difficult, it is
extremely costly. Today, almost everything— including health supplements, cosmetics,
cleaning products, training materials, clothes, cars and travel—can be and is
being sold through network marketing. Some of the most famous names in the
network marketing industry include Avon, Usana, Melaleuca, Mary Kay, Quixtar,
Herbalife, Amway, Tupperware, Juice Plus, Nu Skin and AIM. Technology,
especially the Internet, has had a dramatic impact on the industry, and more
and more it is seen to be moving into the marketing mainstream. The industry is
rapidly maturing and those becoming involved in network marketing are now more
often than not coming from professional backgrounds. Network marketing has
certainly come of age. It is an excellent way to get into business, it has a
lot of appealing aspects that cannot be found in mainstream businesses (we
discuss this throughout the book), and many of the 20 million people involved
are making a lot of money, for not a lot of work. They did the hard yards when
they started but now they enjoy the fruits of their labour with a solid passive
income stream and residual income. Previously, many people saw network
marketing as something you did on the side to make a little extra cash. This
option is still available today, but for most people now involved in it,
network marketing is an opportunity to establish a business that is, and will
continue to be, their main source of income. One of the biggest mistakes made
by people becoming involved with network marketing is failing to treat it as a
real business right from the start. Because there is normally a relatively low
start-up cost, and a high degree of flexibility, some people treat it more as a
hobby. That said, this concept does work for some people. They manage to set up
a great little business which supplements their income and helps them to
acquire the things they want out of life. But for many others, their lack of
conviction ultimately results in the business slowly fading into the
background—materials, books and products are left to gather dust on a shelf and
the words ‘network marketing simply isn’t for me’ are uttered whenever the
concept is raised. The main purpose of this book is to make you, the reader,
aware of the similarities between building a network marketing business and
building a traditional business. Even though the way each one works, and the
end results, are different, many of the principles, fundamentals and attitudes
behind making each business a success remain the same. If you can see your
network marketing business as just that, a business, right from the start and
give it the respect and focus required, and at the same time recognise that
many of the principles and challenges are no different to starting up a pet
shop, for example, then you are a long way towards achieving success. Numerous
network marketing companies are now established around the world. The way they
do business, their structure and the terminology used varies from company to
company. While our discussion has been kept as generic as possible, to
encompass the industry overall, most observations are based on experiences with
a particular network marketing company. If the references and examples we use
don’t always seem relevant to the particular network marketing company you are
involved in, you can bet that the principle of treating it like a real business
still applies.
Why network marketing?
is important to remember that you are going into business first and foremost;
in this instance, the type of business you are considering is a network
marketing business.
Network marketing businesses each have their own
idiosyncrasies and opportunities. They can be incredibly rewarding on many
levels and as challenging as any mainstream business.
Working smarter, not harder
There was a time when simply working hard meant that
you had the opportunity to get ahead of the average person who perhaps had a
more relaxed approach to work. Today that is simply not the case. Although a
strong work ethic will always be important, it is no longer the only
ingredient. Success is about being smarter and often doing things differently
to the way we would have done them in the past. Network marketing allows you to
do just that, while at the same time giving you the opportunity to associate
with very successful people who understand this principle and who have made it
work for them.
Leverage and duplication
Leverage and duplication are simply the ability to
leverage your time and to duplicate your efforts. If you are working in a
traditional business, your income is largely governed by the number of hours
you can physically work in a week. In network marketing, as your network grows,
the time collectively invested within the network is dramatically increased,
and your efforts are greatly duplicated and multiplied. Simply put, you
yourself, one person, can continue to work 40 or 60 hours per week, or you can
build a network where collectively, for example, 1000 people are working only10
hours each per week, meaning your earning hours now total 10000. You need to
understand that this concept is not unique to network marketing, but is a key
ingredient in most successful entrepreneurial enterprises. Most successful
entrepreneurs use it to build their wealth. For example, those who have
established large franchising businesses base their
success on duplication and leverage of one successful store, repeating it
nationally and, ideally, globally.
Passive income versus active income
Active income is best described as having to
continually work, trading hours for dollars, in order to maintain that income.
Passive income means that, in time, you don’t have to physically do the work
but you can still maintain the income. Given the choice, most people would
prefer passive income over active income. The majority of people think of
passive income in terms of the royalties paid to recording artists and authors,
or the returns on investment of property owners and shareholders. Further to
these are the entrepreneurial business owners who derive large passive incomes
from their businesses. In some cases passive income can be established without
much effort; in other cases a certain amount of work may be required to
maintain the flow of passive income. There are different models, but the
concept is the same—do the work now to build a long-term income stream. Passive
income gives the recipients choice; they are not tied down to working hours for
dollars but are in the unique position of having control over what it is they
want to do with their time. Passive income provides the opportunity to have
greater control of what you want to do in your day—if you want to play golf, you
can play golf; if you want to do some work, do some work; if you want to go off
on a holiday on a whim, then go. Passive income represents control, freedom and
lifestyle. Network marketing is a great opportunity to establish passive
income. Many people who built successful network marketing businesses now enjoy
the passive income they bring. To get to that point required effort and
commitment, but the end result is worth it.
Low capital investment
For many of those who dream of owning their own
business, a major hurdle to be overcome is the costs and risks associated with
buying an existing business or setting one up in the first place, often
representing hundreds of thousands of dollars and a lot of risk. One of the
attractive features of building a network marketing business is the low
capital, or low entry cost, required to get started. The majority of network
marketing companies require very little upfront money to join; what moneys are
required cover start-up costs and some initial product purchase. If a person
goes on to successfully develop their network marketing business, the return on
such a low initial capital investment can be significant.
Low operating cost
The ongoing operating costs required in the majority
of network marketing businesses are generally very low when compared with a
traditional business producing similar turnover. Costs often revolve around
accessing educational and motivational material, acquiring business-building
tools and attending seminars provided and organised as part of the support
system. Further to this are incidental costs such as phone, fuel and other
small home office operating costs. As the volume produced throughout the
network is built on the principle of leverage and duplication of a number of
independent business owners collectively establishing their own businesses and
subsequent volume, the costs in achieving that volume are greatly reduced by
spreading them across each independent business owner. Therefore each business
has low operating costs, minimising the need for staff, infrastructure and
other normally high overheads.
Part-time commitment still works
One of the major advantages of being involved in
network marketing is the opportunity to establish it part-time alongside your
current occupation or business. For those whose dream has been to own a
business but who have feared taking the plunge due to the risk involved in
giving up a secure job and income to delve into the unknown, this part-time
aspect reduces that risk. For those already running a traditional business who
feel trapped and can’t risk simply walking away from it, the opportunity to
develop something on the side with a view that some day it will replace their
current income stream is also very attractive. After building the network
marketing business part-time to a point that the income derived from it can
safely replace that from the job or traditional business, one can then
comfortably move into working the network marketing business full-time.
Support systems
One of the reasons franchising has become so popular
today is that people buying into a franchise do so with a sense of confidence
from knowing there is a system in place and that they are not on their own.
Network marketing also provides this sense of confidence—although you are in business
for yourself, you’re not in business by yourself. Many network marketing
companies, particularly the larger ones, have a substantial support system in
place to assist the business owners. In some cases these support systems are
run by some of the more successful business owners and leaders from within the
network, people who understand the value of sharing their experience and
knowledge in order to assist their own organisation grow quicker
Another major benefit of having a support system in
place is the opportunity it gives you to again further leverage your time—by
directing people within your organisation to the support system and letting it
do most of the work for you, rather than you being solely responsible for the
training and support of those in your team.
Creating positive cashflow
In their internationally bestselling book Cashflow
Quadrant, Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter, strong advocates of network
marketing (Kiyosaki is the author of a number of books on the subject),
highlight the importance of creating positive cashflow if you want to achieve
wealth. Most people operate in a negative cashflow—just look at the accumulated
credit card debt. The majority of people run out of money before the end of
each month, and ‘when it’s drastic, put it on plastic’. Most of them will spend
their entire lives living from month to month, heavily in debt, and as a result
will never go on to achieve their goals or dreams. For the average person, once
they find themselves in this position it is very difficult to turn it around,
because the negative cash position makes it almost impossible to get
ahead—unless, of course, they win the lottery that they are all waiting to win.
Positive income is basically the reverse, where your income exceeds living
expenses. Network marketing gives a person the opportunity to establish a
positive income by offering them a business that requires very little in the
way of start-up and ongoing costs, something they can develop part-time with no
threat to their current income and, in the big scheme of things, allows for
very little or no risk. More importantly, a network marketing business offers
the potential of providing a passive and exponentially growing income that in
time becomes a positive cashflow because the income outweighs the expenditure.
Once you have a positive cashflow, that cash can be used to invest in other
positive cashflow opportunities, and so on and so on.
Creating wealth
Many people who have built a successful network
marketing business have done so by recognising the possibilities in using it as
a vehicle to create a large passive income and positive cashflow, and in using
that cashflow to build their wealth. For many, not only is it an opportunity to
create a positive cashflow but it also gives them the ability to associate with
people who themselves have created wealth and therefore to learn from their
experience. Most successful network marketing business owners have found
financial independence through their network marketing business, and many have
used the positive cashflow to further build wealth through investments,
property or the purchase of other business ventures.
Reality versus fiction
Network marketing has become the victim of many
misconceptions and some ill repute in years past. Sadly, in some cases a bad
reputation was well deserved. Today, however, most network marketing
organisations have to adhere to strict codes of conduct, their products have to
be of the highest standards, and the high-pressure sales techniques employed in
the past no longer work. Some of the misconceptions still commonly heard are
covered in the following pages.
‘It’s a pyramid’
This is one of the most common misconceptions. Often
when reference is made to network marketing the response will be: ‘Oh, that’s
one of those pyramid things, isn’t it?’ Interestingly, when they are
challenged, most people making the comment have no understanding of what
constitutes a pyramid scheme, or even of how one works, and certainly have no
understanding of network marketing. Putting aside structural differences, the
most important point of difference is that pyramid schemes are illegal and
reputable network marketing companies are not. Many network marketing companies
are now established in countries around the world where they have had to undergo
strict government regulatory scrutiny before being allowed to open. Further to
this, many network marketing businesses now deal with Fortune 500 companies,
distributing these products or services through their networks, something the
solicitors of those Fortune 500 companies would not allow if they were dealing
with an illegal pyramid.
‘You make money out of other people’
People often remark that being in a network marketing
business is just making money out of friends or other people. But that’s just
what any business does—it makes money from providing a product or service to
other people. If you were a tradesperson, for example, and your friends wanted
to engage your services to have renovations done to their home, would you
decline the offer because you didn’t want to make money from them? Network
marketing is no different from traditional business in that it has a particular
product or service available for purchase by those who choose it.
‘You will lose all your friends’
People involved in network marketing will often make
many more friends as a result of their involvement. Because you meet so many
new people while developing your network, and then work with many more as
business associates over the life of your business, your circle of friends
grows considerably, many of them remaining lifelong friends. This is not to say
that there are not people who have lost friends. There have been, and probably
always will be, a minority involved in network marketing whose nature it is to
be pushy, to not take no for an answer, to be very demanding, sometimes
downright rude, even obnoxious. Usually these people are the ones that wanted
to do it their way, and wouldn’t listen to advice or plug into the training and
support system. Needless to say, their involvement in network marketing is
often short. If you were running a traditional business and were constantly
pressuring your friends to buy from you, it wouldn’t take long to lose them—but
as we know, most people owning a traditional business have many friends. Why?
Because they go about their business in a professional manner. Your network
marketing business is just that, a business. Go about your business in a
professional manner and you will not lose friends, you will go on to make many
more than you would have otherwise.
‘It’s a cult’
Quite often a lot of excitement, enthusiasm,
motivation and commitment is displayed by those involved in network marketing.
For people outside the industry this can be a little difficult to understand,
and some of them can see the degree of enthusiasm as akin to a cult
following—only because they don’t relate to this level of motivation and
commitment when compared to their own situation. It is very common for people
to slip into the drudgery of living a day-to-day existence, like being on a
treadmill, experiencing very little excitement, enthusiasm, motivation or
commitment. It is easy to understand why seeing people in network marketing
displaying the opposite, being so passionate and committed, can be difficult to
accept. More people are driven by an external influence, like satisfying their
boss, paying off a bank overdraft or having a mortgage hanging over their head,
than are driven by a personal dream or goal. People who are attracted to
network marketing see the business as an opportunity to get off the treadmill.
As they begin to see results their attitude becomes even more positive, their
excitement and commitment towards the business grows, and they are driven
internally. People who can’t grasp the concept of someone doing something
without being forced to do so by an outside influence often come to the
conclusion that someone must be convincing them to do it. The whole environment
of excitement, enthusiasm, motivation and commitment that surrounds the network
marketing industry is often misunderstood. Probably the key here is
perspective. When sporting fans go to a stadium with their hair dyed and faces
painted in their favourite team’s colours, wave flags, yell and scream
alongside thousands of other people showing the same excitement, enthusiasm, motivation
and commitment, we think that’s normal. Yet when those in network marketing
show enthusiasm and motivation towards their own business opportunity and their
business team, for some reason it is seen as strange.
‘Nobody ever makes money’
This is quite a common remark, and is usually the
result of having come across people who’ve been involved in network marketing
and, indeed, haven’t made any money. If you haven’t come across one of them
yet, you will. There are, it is true, a large number of people who have not
made any money from their network marketing business, and usually the first
thing they blame is the business, not themselves. Most of them did not plug
into the support system, were not teachable, did not listen, were not active
enough in their business, did not give it long enough to work and, most
importantly, did not treat it as a real business. If they had started a
traditional business with the same lack of focus and respect, they would have
failed there also. Because in most cases the start-up costs of a network
marketing business are very low, this can be reflected in the commitment given
to the business. The important thing you need to know is that many thousands of
people have made money from network marketing, much of it significant, and so
can you if you decide to work at it. Being in network marketing is no different
to being in traditional business—if you don’t work the business, the business
won’t work for you. The other thing that is important here is, once again,
perspective. For example, how many people start a university degree and don’t
graduate? Good thing universities don’t have a failure ceremony at the end of
the year—if they did, no one would think that university works. How many people
do you know who’ve started out on a fitness program, or joined a gym, and
simply quit? What failed here: the fitness program, the gym or the individual?
In business, more importantly, consider how many people start a traditional
business and fail. The figures are truly alarming (in some areas, nine out of
ten businesses fail within the first two years), and in most cases people lose
everything as a result. If we focused on this fact, no one would want to start
a business and the economy would probably collapse.
The most important message
Being successful in any business is more about
attitude than anything else. Sure, if your business concept is to sell ice to
Eskimos, the best attitude in the world will probably not help you a great deal
and in all likelihood the business will bomb. But the wonderful thing about
most network marketing models and companies is that they have been proven to work
in the past—which means, at least theoretically, that you can make it work as
well. In other words, they are based on a tried, tested and proven model, not
some pie-in-the-sky concept that could prove to be fundamentally flawed.
Throughout this book there is a lot of discussion about setting goals, having
dreams, keeping motivated and having a positive attitude. We know that some
people tend to close off a little when topics like this are raised, but we
believe, absolutely and totally, that if you take the right mental approach to
running any business your chances of success will be dramatically increased. So
if you take only one key message from this book it is this: approach your
network marketing business with the right attitude, stay positive, have goals
and dreams and you will make it work for you. We suggest that you mark this
page and read it whenever you have those moments of doubt or uncertainty (which
you most certainly will have).
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